On Pinterest

If you've been on the Internet for an extended amount of time (and maybe not), you may be aware of Pinterest. It's an image and video aggregate site where you can "pin" content for saving on Pinterest boards - a collection of pins for whatever use you'd like. You may have heard about, like, your mom saving recipes onto a Pinterest board, or people roasting girls for making intricate boards about their future wedding they'll never have or something. You can use it for inspiration, as a form of expression, what have you. It's pretty fun!

Pinterest has also gotten a lot of criticism due to their very wishy-washy way of managing content on the site. Between terms being arbitarily blacklisted on the site (i.e. fellow Lolita fashion enthusiasts may be well aware of how the actual term "lolita" is blacklisted on the site), to the rampant ad problem where most pins you see at a time without an adblocker are solely advertisements, to the wide swathe of uncredited pictures - and especially, unsourced artwork - on the site, there's rampant problems with the site. That's not to say that using the site is bad (though, it could always stand to do better)! Rather, like many other modern platforms, how you use the site can shape your experience with it.

I've created this page to talk about the ways I use Pinterest, and some tips and tricks I've learned along the way that might help you get started or improve your Pinterest experience.
